Gondola Trailers in stock. Gondola trailers for sale

Gondola trailers in stock. After months of supply chain issues, these open top trailers are back in stock. 48′ long with 8′ high sides are ready to ship today. You can request a quote or get more information from the BENLEE website: Gondola Trailers in stock. Also, here are pictures of trailers we build: Gondola trailer photos

Gondola trailers in stock

Moreover, these are heavy duty, but light trailers made of Hardox (TM), high strength, light steel. This means they carry heavy loads, due to their low tare weights. Of course, this also means they take the abuse they take when loading and unload. Also, this means when it comes to carrying scrap metal, these are the scrap metal trailers that do the job. Call us for a quote or get a do a request for quote online from our website.

Open Top trailers in stock

Of course, some call these units open top trailers. Also, we ship to Florida, California, Texas, Pennsylvania, Michigan and more. You can see our trailers at BENLEE, 30383 Ecorse Rd., Romulus, MI. 48174. BENLEE will also make you the custom size you want such as 40′, 45′, 50′, 53′ or other. Also, while 8′ high walls are the most common for scrap trailers, we make them in 4′, 5′, 6′ and 7′. Used gondola trailers are not in stock and sorry we almost never get any for sale.

BENLEE Roll off truck parts, roll off trailer parts

Of course, BENLEE is also known for roll off truck parts with shipment same day or getting an order. Roll off truck parts store. We have Galbreath, Galfab, Dragon, Palfinger and more. Of course, we also have tarp system and tarp system parts for Pioneer, Roll-Rite, Aero, Donovan and more. Moreover, all these past are for sale right now such as the Pioneer HR4752 36 inch cylinder.

Greg Brown




Gondola trailers in stock
Gondola trailers in stock at BENLEE

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